Cori Stern

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Should your child listen to you immediately?

This might be up for debate but I don't think your child should necessarily listen to you immediately when you ask them to do something.

Let's unpack this...

Your life experiences form your belief system.

Your belief system guides your thoughts and your thoughts trigger your actions.

That’s just how it goes.

Sorta crazy to think about how your own childhood experiences are guiding your daily parenting practices right now with your own child(ren).

So here’s the deal…. If you are constantly finding yourself in power struggle mode with your child it’s not because your child is bad or because you’re not a good parent.

It’s likely because you’re hanging onto the belief that when you ask your child to do something they should listen to you immediately!

There’s a whole generation of us that were parented this way. So that’s what we know!

Through your childhood experiences this became a part of your belief system. A belief that is now triggering power struggles in your home.

How realistic is this belief?

Your child is a tiny little egocentric human that has their own needs, thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that should be respected through your interactions with them (that's if you see them as their own person). This is especially true when you’re asking them to switch gears and move away from something enjoyable, motivating, and low effort.

When you approach your child like an object rather than a person, they feel that immediately and push back to regain a sense of control and connection.

PERSPECTIVE is the greatest trait any parent can have. This is what’s shifting parents from being the Power Struggler Parent to The Empowered Parent!

Beliefs can change, no need to keep getting stuck in this parenting trap.

You've got this!


p.s. If this resonates with you, click here and leave a comment to let me know so I can send you a really simple solution on how to get your child to listen to you when you need them to cooperate.