5 Hacks to Get You Through the Week
As we head into another week of being home with the kids I want to share 5 strategies that I've been using that are totally helping me survive.
By no means are my days all rainbows and lollipops, but these 5 things have been very helpful in allowing me to juggle work and childcare, while maintaining a small dose of my sanity.
Drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁
1. Prepping lunch during breakfast time- this has been the BEST thing ever. There's no better feeling than having lunch ready to go when lunch time rolls around. My kids are usually playing or watching tv while I get breakfast ready so I take advantage of them being occupied and go double duty on breakfast and lunch. This is extra beneficial when we are outside for a good chunk of the morning being active and they are ravenous by the time lunch rolls around
2. Structure zoom call with grandparents- We've being during a daily structured zoom call with grandparents where my kids pick 2-3 items each day and do a show and share with them. They each get to show 1 item at a time and ask/answer 2 questions/item. Grandparents get in on the fun and also pick items to show and share. We've also had the grandparents do story time with the kids (lots of kids stories they can follow along on YouTube). This buys me time to get some housework or work work done while they are engaged in a structured activity. This is a #winwinwin because I get some time to get stuff done, my kids are enjoying and the grandparents are getting some quality time.
3. Structured clean up time!- I've share this once before and I'll keep sharing it because it's been a game changer for me. At 4:00pm each day, we stop whatever we're doing and tidy the house together. Instead of chasing my kids all day long to clean up their toys I leave it all to clean up time and we do it as a team. We go room by room and put everything back where they belong. I also take this time to do some dishes, a quick vacuum, and wipe down some surfaces. This is a great way to break up the day and the best feeling once everything is tidied! After this, I usually turn the tv on or send them outside to keep them from ripping through the house again.
4. Weekly Schedule, posted!- My husband and I are both working from home right now and doing our best to tag team with child care. Each Sunday night I will take my low tech dry erase board and write out everyone's set appointments for the week- that's my client meetings and other work calls, my daughter's online tutoring and classes, my husband's meetings, etc. This way my husband and I can manage our expectations around child care without having to keep bothering each other about it. We both know who has what when, so we can schedule in other stuff in accordingly. The juggle is real!
5. Daily outing - I do my absolute best to get out of the house with the kids at least once a day. Whether it's a bike ride, walk around the block, or a drive I think it's important to leave the house daily so you don't feel like you're in a time-warp. This gives us an excuse to gift all the crafts we're doing at home, or deliver some baked goods to friends' porches.
Take it or leave it but I'd love you to choose 1-2 of these strategies and try them out this week. I'd also love to hear about some of the stuff that you've been doing at home to help you manage. I'm always looking to try new things with the kids.
I hope you have a great week. Stay healthy!
You've got this!
p.s. We are just 1 week away from the Transitioning Into Kindergarten event!!!! Come learn exactly how to prep yourself and your child for this huge milestone! There's lots you can do to get a head start while your kiddo is home with you! Sign up here!