Making Bedtime Easier In Times of High Stress
Last week in Behave it or NOT one mama had reached out to the group asking for support around getting her son to bed sooner so she could have those evening hours to herself. I’m so grateful she posted the following because she started a very important conversation.
I was able to completely empathize with her because I know if I don’t get those hours to myself my cortisol levels spike and my patience wears thin the next day. I NEED those hours to decompress and relax. On the other hand, the #momguilt is so real and it’s a terrible feeling to have to battle, especially when your own mental health is at stake.
While some parents benefit themselves from lying with their children in bed, some parents have the opposite experience and it’s important that both approaches are respected as long as you’re doing what’s best for YOU and your well being.
For those of you who are looking for ways to make bedtime easier as we navigate through this pandemic, here’s a bunch of strategies I chatted through with Sleep Expert Amanda Jewson. As you watch the video pick 1-2 strategies to try out. Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to do everything at once.
Stay Healthy! You’ve got this!
P.s.For those of you with 2016 babies who entered the ticket GIVEAWAY contest for this year’s Transitioning Into Kindergarten Event- make sure to head over to Instagram (@cori_stern ) to catch the winner announcement tonight around 9:00pm (EST).