Cori Stern

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Happy New Year!

I took some time off this holiday season to focus in on my family to really capture some much needed quality time. It was refreshing to disconnect and allow my self the space to reflect on what the heck just happened in 2020.

The truth is, 2020 was challenging AF. Emotionally, psychologically, physically and everything in between.

However, out of the challenges come gratitude, learning and resilience. So here are 7 of my 2020 lessons learned. Would love to know which of these resonates with you.

  1. Always take the path of least resistance. What if it were easy, what would that look like? Let go of perfection. Ask for help. Take help when offered. If it's not necessary- pass!

  2. Never let a tantrum/meltdown go to waste (I'm talking about our kid's not ours 😉 ) Hold on to it. Use it as a teachable moment. These are the moments that we need to grip on to. These are the moments when our children need us most. We need to show up for them most when emotions are high. They have no clue how to work through those emotions- Teach them! Embrace the tantrum! See it as a moment to nurture their emotional intelligence.

  3. Pick your battles (and let it only be a few). Let go of a lot of the battles in the name of conserving energy for things that intentionally matter. I mean… I let my kid eat ice cream in the bath the other day! 🤦‍♀️

  4. Stop apologizing. "I'm sorry I've been so M.I.A", “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back.” “I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your message right away.” “Ignore the mess.” “Don't mind my messy mom bun.” There were many times where I felt the urge to apologize for something. I realized the only reason I felt that way is because of the expectations I put into my own head that other might have of me. So stopped apologizing and amazingly nothing happened- won't be going back there :) I'm moving forward unapologetic.

  5. Growing pains are inevitable and I've chosen to surrender to Growth. I'm ready to face the tests, challenges, battles, wins and losses (sometimes those all happen on a given day). I am here to advance myself as a person and mother, wife, daughter and friend. I do my best to level up. At the end of the day the challenges and tests are here to show me what I’m made of…

  6. If you don’t like it, change it-- it’s that simple. I do this all the time. I make decisions, I'm a doer, an action taker. Say it, then do it! and if you don't like it, change it again. If something isn’t working for me, I have the right to change it. It's too easy to get stuck on auto pilot. I recognize that. That's worth a million bucks right there. My life = my choices, and choose happy. Don't forget to use your sticky notes along way- write it down and it's more likely to happen.

  7. No one knows what you need better than YOU! For me this is everything because I sometimes have a very hard time communicating my needs and wants when I'm in an emotional state. It takes a lot out of me to articulate my thoughts when emotions are high. At the end of the day you know what makes you happy and you know what makes you feel good. Don't wait on anyone to deliver it to you on a silver platter (that's a bonus if it ever happens). Go out and get it. Make it happen. Take care of yourself.

I'd love to hear which of these resonate with you. Reply to this email and let me know.

As we start off 2021 I want to send a huge Thank You! your way.

Thank you for choosing to be here and for the support you've given me to continue to grow The Parenting Pack and my private practice.

Thank you for sharing your journey with me and for allowing me to be a part of yours.

Here’s to a very healthy and fulfilling 2021.

We've got this!


p.s. find a reason to laugh everyday. it's contagious. it's a stress buster, it feels good.